why might a doctor ask about your family's medical history
Posted by westsa2344
Why might a doctor ask about the family’s medical history?

You came into the doctor’s clinic with a health problem that almost made you lose your sleep. The doctor started asking you questions about how you are feeling, assessing your body, and then started asking about your family member’s diseases and conditions. You may start to wonder, why might a doctor ask about family’s medical history?

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asymmetrical face causes
Posted by westsa2344
Asymmetrical Face Causes

Asymmetric facial characteristics can be defined as the asymmetry between the two sides of the face, i.e, both sides of the face doesn’t mirror each other. Almost all the people has asymmetry to some extent but might not be noticeable. […]

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Dental implant specialist
Posted by westsa2344
Dental Implant Specialist

The dental implant has become the preferred method of tooth replacement because it is fast, light and relatively painless. It has helped many people regain the smile, trust, and health of their mouths. The key to the success of a […]

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